Educational Blog Articles About using a Sauna

Infrared Saunas Or Traditional Saunas: Which One is Better For Your Health in General?

Infrared Saunas Or Traditional Saunas: Which One is Better For Your Health in General?


Infrared Sauna VS Traditional sauna

Infrared Saunas Or Traditional Saunas: Which One is Better For Your Health in General?

Are you curious about which sauna might be better for your health—infrared or Traditional? Let's find out the differences and benefits of each!

Traditional saunas are all about stepping into a warm, wooden sanctuary. You sit inside while hot rocks or a stove generate dry heat, creating a cozy atmosphere.

People have been experiencing these saunas for generations, using them for relaxation, detoxification, and socializing.

On the other hand, infrared saunas offer a modern twist on the traditional sauna experience. Instead of heating the air, they use infrared lamps to directly warm your body.

This met to be more efficient, allowing you to experience the benefits of sweating at lower temperatures. Infrared saunas offer additional perks like improved circulation, pain relief, and weight loss.

So, which sauna is right for you? Well, it depends on your preferences and health goals. A traditional sauna might be your best bet if you crave the classic sauna ambiance and love socializing in a warm, inviting space.

However, if you're intrigued by a more efficient sauna experience with potential added health benefits, you might lean towards trying an infrared sauna.

Traditional vs Infrared

When we think about saunas, the image of a traditional dry sauna often comes to mind first.

These saunas have a long history, dating back to ancient times, and have been a staple in high-quality hotels and spa centers for centuries.

But in recent decades, a new contender has entered the scene: the infrared sauna.

With its innovative approach to heat therapy, the infrared sauna has sparked curiosity and debate among sauna enthusiasts. 

What is an Infrared Sauna?

Unlike traditional saunas, which heat the air inside the cabin, infrared saunas use infrared heat waves emitted by carbon heaters to warm the sauna.

This targeted heat penetrates the body more deeply, promoting sweating and detoxification from within.

Infrared sauna cabins are typically constructed from natural softwood that can withstand high temperatures, ensuring a safe and comfortable sauna experience.

The healing properties of infrared saunas are the release of phytoncides, organic compounds with antibacterial and antifungal properties, from the softwood structure.

Inhaling these phytoncides can boost the production of white blood cells, enhancing the body's ability to combat infections and viruses.

Additily, the sauna-induced sweating helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body through the skin, promoting overall detoxification and well-being.

Infrared saunas offer several advantages over traditional dry saunas. They are quicker and easier to use, requiring only a plug-in and power-on process.

Additionally, they emit less intense heat, making them more comfortable for individuals who are sensitive to high temperatures or heavy air.

These factors mark infrared saunas as a modern and convenient option for heat therapy and relaxation.

InfraRed Sauna

Benefits of an Infrared Sauna

Improved Heating Method: Infrared saunas heat the body from the inside out, reaching deep tissues and organs more effectively than traditional saunas.

This promotes a more intense sweat and extends the therapeutic benefits throughout the body.

👉Boosted Metabolism: 

The heat exposure in infrared saunas accelerates metabolism, leading to increased calorie burn and toxin release. Regular sauna use can complement a healthy lifestyle and aid in weight loss efforts.

👉Improved Blood Circulation: 

The increased blood flow and expension of blood vessels induced by sauna heat improve cardiovascular health and oxygen delivery to muscles. This enhances exercise performance and accelerates muscle recovery.

👉Non-Physical Workout: 

Infrared sauna sessions mimic the physiological responses of exercise, including elevated heart rate and improved lymph drainage.

While not a replacement for physical activity, sauna use can support overall health and well-being.

👉Beauty Treatment: 

Sweating in the sauna cleanses the skin, removes impurities, and promotes collagen production, resulting in clearer, more radiant skin. The sauna's rejuvenating effects contribute to a youthful complexion and improved skin health.

👉Central Nervous System Improvement: 

Infrared sauna therapy stimulates neurogenesis and dopamine production while reducing cortisol levels, promoting mood stability and stress resilience.

It can be beneficial for individuals with mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

👉Sports Recovery: 

Enhanced oxygen delivery and blood flowto muscles help in reducing inflammation and facilitating muscle repair after exercise. Athletes often use infrared saunas to accelerate recovery and improve performance.

👉Accelerated Detoxification: 

Infrared saunas help eliminate toxins accumulated from environmental exposure and unhealthy habits. Regular sauna sessions complement a healthy lifestyle and support the body's natural detoxification processes.

What is a Traditional Dry Sauna?

Traditional dry saunas, rooted in ancient traditions, rely on a physical heat source such as a wood-burning stove or heated stones to generate warmth.

Unlike steam rooms, dry saunas have low humidity levels but high temperatures ranging from 150 to 195°F.

They offer a classic sauna experience, promoting relaxation and detoxification through heat-induced sweating.

Dry saunas share many benefits with infrared saunas, including detoxification, fat burning, immune system support, pain reduction, and relaxation.

The higher temperatures of dry saunas facilitate sweating and toxin elimination while also promoting calorie burn and immune function.

Dry saunas offer a traditional approach to sauna therapy, appealing to those who prefer intense heat and a classic sauna ambiance.

Traditional Barrel Sauna

Exploring the Pros and Cons

Advantages of Traditional Dry Saunas

✔ Detoxification: 

High temperatures promote sweating, opening pores and facilitating toxin elimination.

✔ Fat Burning: 

Increased metabolic rate and calorie burn contribute to weight loss and fat reduction.

✔ Immune Support: 

Elevated white blood cell production strengthens the immune system and aids in fighting infections.

✔ Pain Reduction: 

Heat therapy alleviates muscle pain and inflammation, promoting relaxation and recovery.

Relaxation: Sauna sessions induce a state of calmness and well-being, reducing stress and improving mood.

Drawbacks of Traditional Dry Saunas-

High Temperatures: 

Intense heat may be uncomfortable for some individuals, especially those with heat sensitivity or certain medical conditions.

Limited Control: 

Traditional saunas offer limited control over temperature and humidity levels, potentially limiting user comfort.

Less Targeted Heat: 

Heat distribution may be less uniform in traditional saunas compared to infrared saunas, affecting the depth of heat penetration and therapeutic effects.

Comparing the research

"Studies on regular saunas outnumber those on infrared saunas, yet findings on the latter suggest similar benefits," explains Tanmeet Sethi, M.D., a clinical associate professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

"The benefits of regular saunas are extensive and remarkable."

Sethi notes that much of the research on saunas originates from Finland, where sauna use is deeply ingrained in the culture.

"The benefits primarily revolve around improvements in cardiovascular health, such as reduced blood pressure, enhanced endothelial function, decreased inflammation, and improved arterial compliance," she elaborates.

According to Sethi, these benefits extend to better sleep, enhanced cardiorespiratory function, strengthened immune system, reduced risk of neurocognitive diseases, and even accelerated pain relief and muscle recovery post-injury.

"I view saunas as a form of cardiovascular exercise without physical movement, which is particularly exciting for individuals with limited mobility," Sethi adds.

Among the most notable findings from sauna studies is the improvement in all-cause mortality. Sethi clarifies this as "the overall likelihood of living longer."

"The study demonstrated an impressive risk reduction of 18% and a relative risk reduction of 40% for sauna users compared to non-users," she underscores.


Which is better and Why: infrared or traditional sauna?

Infrared Vs Traditional Sauna

Deciding between traditional sauna and an infrared sauna is like choosing between two different flavors of ice cream.

They both have their unique qualities, and the "better" option depends on what you're looking for and what feels right for your body.

Traditional saunas have been around for centuries, and they have a certain charm. Picture stepping into a cozy wooden room and feeling the warmth as hot rocks or a stove generate heat.

Traditional saunas are known for their dry heat, which can help you relax, unwind, and sweat out toxins.

Many people enjoy the social aspect of traditional saunas, where friends and family gather to chat and catch up while enjoying the therapeutic heat.

On the other hand, infrared saunas offer a more modern approach to heat therapy. Instead of heating the air around you, they use infrared lamps to directly heat your body.

This can create a more gentle and comfortable experience for some people, as the heat penetrates deeper into the skin without making the air unbearably hot.

Infrared saunas offer potential health benefits, including improved circulation, pain relief, and detoxification.

So, which sauna is better for you? It really depends on your personal preferences and health goals.

If you love the traditional sauna experience and enjoy the social aspect of sweating it out with friends, a traditional sauna might be the way to go.

But if you're intrigued by the idea of a more modern and efficient sauna experience, with potential added health benefits, then an infrared sauna might be more up your alley.

What is the healthiest type of sauna?

When it comes to sauna therapy, the healthiest option is the one that you enjoy and feel comfortable using regularly.

Both types of saunas offer unique benefits, so it's essential to consider what works best for your body and your lifestyle.

Traditional saunas have stood the test of time and have been used for centuries for their therapeutic effects.

The dry heat of traditional saunas can help relax muscles, improve circulation, and promote detoxification through sweating.

Additionally, the social aspect of traditional saunas, where people gather to relax and unwind, can contribute to mental well-being and stress reduction.

Infrared saunas offer a more targeted approach to heat therapy, using infrared light to directly heat the body.

This can potentially penetrate deeper into the skin, promoting detoxification and providing relief from muscle soreness and joint pain.

Some users find infrared saunas comfortable than traditional saunas, as they operate at lower temperatures while still inducing sweating.

Ultimately, the healthiest sauna is the one that you feel most comfortable using regularly and that fits your individual health needs and preferences.

Whether you choose classic charm of a traditional sauna or the modern efficiency of an infrared sauna, both offer benefits for your overall well-being.

What are the cons of infrared sauna?

Certainly, it's essential to consider some of the drawbacks and limitations associated with their use.

One concern is the risk of dehydration or overheating, especially if users do not drink enough water before or during their sauna session.

The intense heat generated by infrared saunas can cause excessive sweating, leading to fluid loss and electrolyte imbalances if not properly replenished.

Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or skin sensitivities, should visit healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna.

The intense heat and infrared radiation emitted by these saunas may exacerbate certain health conditions or cause adverse reactions in some individuals.

Another potential drawback of infrared saunas is the initial cost of installing the unit.

Infrared sauna units can be more expensive upfront compared to traditional saunas, although they may offer energy-saving benefits in the long run due to their lower operating temperatures.

Furthermore, some people may find the sensation of infrared heat uncomfortable or unfamiliar compared to the dry heat of traditional saunas.

It's essential to listen to your body and adjust the temperature of your sessions accordingly to avoid any adverse effects.

Overall, while infrared saunas offer promising health benefits, it's important to weigh the potential risks and limitations before incorporating them into your wellness routine. 

What is healthier: steam or infrared sauna?

Deciding between a steam sauna and an infrared sauna depends on individual preferences, health conditions, and goals. Both types of saunas offer unique benefits and considerations.

Steam saunas, also known as wet saunas, use heated water to create steam, which fills the sauna room with moist heat.

This humidity can help open pores, cleanse the skin, and promote sweating, which may aid in detoxification.

Steam saunas are often recommended for individuals with respiratory issues or sinus congestion, as the moist heat can help relieve congestion and promote easier breathing.

Infrared saunas, on the other hand, use infrared lamps to directly heat the body, producing a dry heat that induces sweating without the humidity found in steam saunas.

Certain individuals favor infrared saunas due to their capacity to penetrate the skin more deeply, potentially yielding advantages like muscle relaxation, enhanced circulation, and alleviation of pain.

Ultimately, the "healthier" option between steam and infrared saunas depends on individual preferences, health conditions, and goals.

Some people may prefer the moist heat of steam saunas for respiratory benefits, while others may find the targeted heat of infrared saunas more comfortable and effective for their specific needs.

Traditional Sauna

Conclusion: Making an Informed Choice

In summary, traditional dry and infrared saunas offer unique benefits and considerations for enthusiasts.

Traditional saunas provide a classic sauna experience with intense heat and humidity, promoting relaxation and detoxification.

In contrast, infrared saunas offer targeted heat therapy, deeper tissue penetration, and a more comfortable sauna environment.

When choosing between the two options, it's essential to consider individual preferences, health considerations, and desired sauna experience.

Whether you like the cozy feel of a traditional sauna or the easy-to-use features of an infrared sauna, both can help you feel better and be part of your healthy habits.

Experimenting with different sauna types and listening to your body's response can help you determine the best fit for your needs and preferences.

Best Infrared Saunas List on The Market Today for Self use
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