Educational Blog Articles About using a Sauna

Using a phone in a sauna

Using a phone in a sauna

ey there! So, you're considering bringing your phone into the sauna? Well, you're not alone! It's common these days to want some entertainment or distraction while relaxing in that steamy sauna.

But hold up a second – before you stay with your phone, let's chat about what you need to know.

First, saunas come in all shapes and sizes—like phones! You've got traditional Finnish, infrared, and steam saunas, too. Each type has its vibe and heat level, so it's important to know what you're dealing with before bringing any electronics into the mix.

Now, speaking of phones, there's a whole bunch of them out there, right? You've got your old-school feature phones, fancy smartphones, and even those super tough rugged phones that can encounter just about anything you throw at them – or, in this case, anything you sweat at them.

But here's the thing – not all phones are equal when handling the sauna scene. Some might be cool with the heat and steam, while others could feel like they've been through a sauna session themselves!

In this guide, we'll explain everything in detail. We'll discuss how to keep your device safe and sound while you're getting your sweat on. 

8 Risks of Taking Your Phone Into the Sauna

Let's expand on each of the risks associated with taking your phone into the sauna:

  • Heat Damage:

  • Saunas can reach temperatures well above 100°F (40°C), which is far hotter than what most phones are designed to handle. Excessive heat can damage delicate components inside your phone, such as the battery, processor, and circuitry. Prolonged exposure to intense temperatures can degrade your device's performance and lifespan, leading to issues like battery drainage, screen discoloration, and even system failure.

  • Moisture Damage:

  • Saunas are characterized by high humidity levels, which can permeate the seals and openings of your phone and cause internal components to corrode.

    Moisture can also damage sensitive electronic circuits, resulting in malfunctions like unresponsive touchscreens, erratic behavior, and short circuits.

    Even if your phone is marketed as water-resistant, prolonged exposure to sauna humidity can exceed its water protection capabilities and cause irreparable damage.

  • Overheating:

  • Smartphones generate heat during normal operation, and the additional heat from the sauna environment can push them beyond their thermal limits. Overheating can lead to performance throttling, where your phone slows down to prevent damage, or, in extreme cases, it may shut down unexpectedly to prevent catastrophic failure. Continuously subjecting your phone to high temperatures can also degrade battery life and compromise reliability.

  • Condensation Buildup:

  • When you bring your phone from the hot sauna to a cooler room, moisture in the air can condense on the device's surfaces, including the internal components. Condensation can lead to corrosion and short circuits, particularly if water droplets penetrate the circuitry or accumulate in the phone's crevices.

    Even if your phone appears to dry out after leaving the sauna, residual moisture may persist inside the device and cause long-term damage.

  • Voiding Warranty:

  • Most phone manufacturers explicitly state in their warranty terms that exposure to extreme heat or moisture voids warranty coverage. Attempting to repair or replace a phone damaged by sauna conditions may incur costly out-of-pocket expenses, as the manufacturer is unlikely to cover repairs under warranty.

    Before bringing your phone to the sauna, it's essential to consider the potential financial ramifications of voiding its warranty.

  • Battery Drain:

  • High temperatures accelerate chemical reactions inside lithium-ion batteries, causing them to discharge more rapidly than usual. Using your phone extensively in the sauna, such as streaming music or watching videos, can further increase battery drain due to the additional processing power and screen activity. Minimizing phone usage and keeping it in standby mode while in the sauna is advisable to avoid premature battery depletion.

  • Data Loss:

  • If your phone sustains irreparable damage in the sauna, you may lose access to valuable data stored on the device, such as photos, contacts, messages, and app settings.

    Without a recent backup of your phone's data, recovering lost information may be challenging or impossible, leading to permanent data loss. Regularly backing up your phone to a secure cloud storage service or computer can mitigate the risk of data loss or damage.

  • Health Risks:

  • While not directly related to phone damage, excessive phone usage in the sauna can distract you from important health considerations, such as hydration and body temperature regulation. 

    Focusing on your phone screen instead of listening to your body's signals can increase the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat-related illnesses. It's crucial to prioritize your well-being in the sauna by limiting phone usage, staying hydrated, and taking breaks to cool down if you feel overheated or unwell.

    Should I wear clothes in my infrared sauna?

    Wearing clothes in an infrared sauna is largely a matter of personal preference and comfort. Unlike traditional saunas, where nudity is often the norm, infrared saunas tend to be more private spaces, often located within homes or wellness centers, allowing for a broader range of attire choices. 

    Some prefer bathing suits or lightweight clothing to maintain modesty or absorb sweat. In contrast, others opt for nudity to experience the full benefits of the sauna without any fabric barriers. From a practical standpoint, wearing clothes can help absorb sweat and protect the sauna's wooden benches from direct contact with your skin, potentially prolonging their lifespan.

    However, choosing breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics is essential to prevent discomfort. It also allows your body to regulate its temperature effectively.

    Do you wear a bathing suit in an infrared sauna?

    Wearing a bathing suit in an infrared sauna is a common practice for many individuals, balancing modesty and comfort. Bathing suits protect your skin and the sauna's surfaces, absorbing sweat and preventing direct contact with the wooden benches. This can help maintain hygiene and extend the lifespan of the sauna equipment. 

    Additionally, wearing a bathing suit allows you to feel more at ease in a public or shared sauna environment. It respects the preferences and comfort levels of others who may be present, and it's a courteous gesture that contributes to a positive communal sauna experience. 

    However, choosing a bathing suit made from breathable, moisture-wicking materials is essential to prevent overheating and discomfort during your sauna session. Opt for lightweight fabrics that allow sweat to evaporate. It keeps you comfortable throughout your time in the sauna.

    What do I need to bring to an infrared sauna session?

    Preparing for an infrared sauna session involves gathering important items to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Bring a large towel to sit on and another smaller towel to wipe away sweat during your session. This helps maintain hygiene and prevents direct contact with the sauna's surfaces. 

    Stay hydrated by bringing a water or electrolyte drink to sip on during your sauna session. Sweating profusely can lead to dehydration, so it's essential to replenish fluids regularly. Depending on your preference, bring a bathing suit or lightweight clothing to wear during the sauna session. Choose breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics to stay comfortable. 

    Consider bringing additional items such as a headband to keep sweat out of your eyes, a handheld fan for extra ventilation, or essential oils for aromatherapy.  If desired, bring a book, magazine, or music player with headphones to help you relax and pass the time during your sauna session.

    How do you prepare for an infrared sauna?

    Preparing for an infrared sauna session involves several steps to enhance comfort, safety, and relaxation.  Drink water before your sauna to ensure you're well-hydrated.

    Sweating can lead to fluid loss, so starting with a hydrated body is essential. Take a shower before stepping into the sauna to remove any lotions, oils, or skincare products that could block pores or interfere with sweating. 

    This helps maximize the detoxification benefits of the sauna. Choose lightweight clothing or a bathing suit during your sauna session. Avoid heavy fabrics or thick layers that can trap heat and impede sweating. Pack a towel to sit on and another to wipe away sweat during your session. 

    Also, bring water or electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated and any optional accessories like a headband or handheld fan for added comfort. Before entering the sauna, adjust the temperature to a comfortable level.

    Once inside the sauna, find a comfortable position to sit or recline. Focus on relaxation techniques and deep breathing to enhance the therapeutic benefits of the sauna experience.

    Full Sauna Installation Guide
    Health Benefits of using a Sauna and a Cold plunge