Educational Blog Articles About using a Sauna

Best Saunas To Buy For Your Personal use at Home - Full List

Best Saunas To Buy For Your Personal use at Home - Full List

Best Saunas To use for Home - What is Important and Why?

Are you ready to make your home a place to find wellness?

Easy Sauna World has a comprehensive guide to selecting the best sauna for your cause.

In today's world, finding moments of relaxation is essential for maintaining balance.

And what better way to achieve this than by bringing the timeless tradition of sauna therapy into your home?

This blog will help you figure out various types of saunas, benefits, and considerations to help you make an informed decision.

The options are vast and diverse, from traditional steam saunas cherished for centuries to modern infrared models offering advanced therapeutic benefits.

We'll discuss the key factors, including size, material, heating technology, and installation requirements, to ensure you find the perfect sauna for your space and lifestyle.

Whether you're seeking relief from tension or stress, detoxification, or a luxurious escape from the everyday hustle, a sauna is waiting to become your oasis.

Come along as Easy Sauna World, explore the top saunas for your home, and experience the amazing benefits of heat therapy right in your own space.

Are you excited to take your relaxation to the next level?

The 9 Finest Home Saunas for Your Ultimate Relaxation Retreat

Spa days are nice, right?

They have a cozy atmosphere, lovely smells, and those calming sauna sessions. But what if you could have all that spa goodness at home?

That's what home saunas promise—they bring relaxation and lots of health benefits.

Using saunas regularly is known to be good for your heart and can help with stress.

And now, thanks to technology getting better, home saunas are easier to get and can be made just how you like them.

Introducing Our Top Picks for The Year

Easy Sauna World has put together a list of the top eight home saunas of 2024 after doing lots of research and testing.

Whether you want a small infrared sauna just for you or a giant steam sauna for the whole family, you'll find something perfect on this list.

1) Scandia Manufacturing Electric Barrel Kit

Scandia Manufacturing Electric Barrel Kit

Scandia's Electric Barrel Sauna Kit blends modern technology with traditional sauna practices.

The sauna barrel includes a Smart Sauna WiFi Controller and a chromotherapy system for customizable sessions.

You can adjust temperature, duration, and lights using the console or our SmartSauna App.

The app also allows remote heater activation and notifies you when the desired temperature is reached.

Constructed with a 100% stainless steel electrical heater and Grade A cedar wood, our sauna ensures durability and resistance to weather conditions.

It's easy to assemble with the tools provided and suitable for 2 to 8 people, and it is available in various sizes. With secure packaging and fast delivery, enjoy the benefits of our sauna without delay.

2) Dynamic Barcelona Infrared Sauna:

Our top pick for the best overall home sauna is the Dynamic Barcelona Infrared Sauna.

Blending luxurious spa-grade amenities with easy-to-use features, this sauna provides an ideal mix of comfort and practicality.

With its sleek design and impressive extras like built-in speakers and chromotherapy lighting, the Dynamic Barcelona is a standout choice for those seeking a premium home sauna experience.

3) SereneLife Full-Size Portable Steam Sauna:

SereneLife Full-Size Portable Steam Sauna:

The SereneLife Full-Size Portable Steam Sauna is a fantastic option for those on a budget.

This sauna doesn’t skimp on quality or comfort despite its affordable price tag. Easy to set up and featuring a roomy interior, it’s perfect for solo relaxation sessions at home.

Plus, its portable design means you can enjoy the sauna wherever you go.

4) Sunlighten mPulse Smart Sauna Aspire:

If you want a high-tech sauna experience, look no further than the Sunlighten mPulse Smart Sauna Aspire.

This professional-grade sauna boasts cutting-edge features like a touchscreen panel, streaming services, and customizable user profiles.

Although the cost may be steep, the outstanding performance and deluxe features justify it as a valuable investment for those passionate about saunas.

5) Clearlight Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna:

For those who value light therapy as much as heat therapy, the Clearlight Full-Spectrum Infrared Sauna is an excellent choice.

With 96 LED lights and 12 chromotherapy colors, this sauna offers a holistic approach to wellness.

Add features like Bluetooth connectivity and remote control operation, and you will have a sauna that’s as convenient as it is effective.

6) Audra Traditional Steam Sauna:

The almost heaven sauna Audra traditional steam sauna is a perfect fit for outdoor enthusiasts or those with limited indoor space.

Crafted from solid cedar wood and featuring a rustic barrel shape, this outdoor sauna brings a touch of charm to any backyard.

Its spacious interior and durable construction make it an ideal retreat for relaxation.

7) Dynamic Infrared Monaco 6-Person Indoor FAR Infrared Sauna:


The Dynamic Infrared Monaco 6-Person Indoor FAR Infrared Sauna is an excellent choice for larger households or those who love to sauna with friends.

With seating for up to six people and various luxuries like a TV and stereo system, this sauna is perfect for socializing while sweating.

Its sleek design and efficient heating make it a standout addition to any home.

8) HEATWAVE Radiant Saunas 2-Person Infrared Sauna:

If you’re looking for a compact yet feature-rich sauna for two, the HEATWAVE Radiant Saunas 2-Person Infrared Sauna is worth considering.

With its chromotherapy lighting, oxygen ionizer, and built-in speakers, this sauna offers a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home.

Its easy assembly and space-saving design make it a practical choice for small spaces.

9) Worthington Traditional Steam Sauna:

Rounding out our list is the Almost Heaven Saunas Worthington Traditional Steam Sauna, a stylish and spacious option for up to four people.

With its Scandinavian-inspired design and customizable seating configurations, this indoor sauna offers both form and function.

Add features like ambient backlighting and a lifetime warranty, and you have a sauna that will impress you.

Understanding the Benefits of Sauna Therapy

Sauna therapy has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with cultures worldwide embracing its healing properties.

Initially used for ritualistic and social purposes, saunas have developed into essential tools for health and wellness.

The sauna's heat induces sweating, which helps detoxify the body, improves circulation, and promotes relaxation. Additionally, sauna therapy has been linked to reduced muscle tension, improved skin health, and even enhanced cognitive function.

Tips to Buy a Sauna in the right way

Understanding the different styles is crucial when figuring out the world of home saunas.

Traditional steam, infrared, and dry saunas offer unique experiences. Dr. Ingegno breaks down the key differences between these sauna types.

Traditional saunas, also known as Finnish saunas, are renowned for their high temperatures, often exceeding 200°F. Sessions are typically short, lasting 15 to 20 minutes.

These saunas use heated rocks where water can be splashed to create steam, though the atmosphere remains relatively dry.

Steam saunas produce substantial steam, resembling the tiled steam rooms found in gyms. Operating at lower temperatures, usually between 110 to 120°F, they offer a moist heat preferred by some.

However, installation costs can be higher due to plumbing requirements and the need for tile construction.

Infrared saunas employ infrared heat to heat the body internally. While it may take longer to start sweating, the gentler heat is more tolerable for many.

Temperature ranges from 120 to 140°F, with sessions typically lasting 30 to 60 minutes.

Due to their flat heating panels, these saunas often ship flat and boast easy assembly. Our top pick, the Dynamic Barcelona Infrared Sauna, falls into this category.

Considerations for Size and Capacity

When choosing a home sauna, size matters. Full-size options vary in height from 60 to 70 inches and in width from 35 to 85 inches, depending on their capacity. Dr. Ingegno advises that larger saunas take longer to reach optimal temperature.

Capacity is another critical factor. Saunas can accommodate anywhere from one to six people, with recommended capacities clearly stated for safety and optimal performance.

For solo users, portable saunas like the SereneLife SLISAU35BK offer a more compact and budget-friendly option.

Installation Tips and Best Practices

Installing a home sauna requires careful planning. Whether indoors or outdoors, the sauna should be placed on a finished floor in a covered area to protect it from the elements.

Ava Johanna, a sauna enthusiast, suggests preparing the installation space meticulously. Cleaning, organizing, and taking precise measurements are essential steps.

Saunas usually come with detailed instructions and connectable pieces for easy assembly.

While power tools may not be necessary, having a basic screwdriver and an extra pair of hands can expedite the process.

Allocate ample time for setup and ensure a thorough read-through of the instructions beforehand to minimize errors.

Choosing Features for Ultimate Comfort

The features you select for your home sauna should align with your preferences and lifestyle.

Bluetooth compatibility allows audio entertainment, while LED control panels offer convenient adjustments. Dr. Purdy highlights the importance of considering materials, colors, and overall aesthetics for a permanent installation.

Additional luxuries like comfortable seating, bookshelves, towel racks, cup holders, and smart settings enhance the sauna experience.

For example, the SereneLife SLISAU35BK provides cozy seating, making relaxation sessions more enjoyable.

Are Home saunas worth it in General?

Investing in a home sauna can be a worthwhile decision for many individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being.

Regular sauna use has numerous and well-documented benefits, ranging from physical health improvements to mental relaxation and stress relief.

Physically, saunas can help improve circulation, promote detoxification through sweating, soothe sore muscles, and even aid in weight loss efforts through increased calorie expenditure.

Mentally, the heat and relaxation of a sauna session can provide a tranquil escape from the stresses of daily life, promoting feelings of calmness.

Moreover, having a sauna at home offers convenience and flexibility, allowing you to enjoy its therapeutic effects whenever it suits your schedule.

This accessibility can lead to more consistent use, maximizing the potential health benefits over time.

However, it's important to consider upfront costs, ongoing maintenance, and space requirements before deciding if a home sauna is worth it.

While the initial investment may seem significant, especially for higher-end models or custom installations, the long-term benefits and convenience can outweigh many individuals' expenses.

Ultimately, whether a home sauna is worth it depends on your preferences, lifestyle, and budget.

If you prioritize your health and well-being and have the means to invest in a sauna, the rewards of having a private relaxation in your own home can be immeasurable.

Are home saunas expensive to run?

The cost of running a home sauna depends on several factors, including the type of sauna, its size, heating technology, and how frequently it is used.

Traditional steam saunas typically consume more energy than infrared saunas, which use less electricity due to their efficient heating mechanisms.

The sauna's insulation and construction quality can also impact its energy efficiency.

Well-insulated saunas with tight seals will retain heat more effectively, reducing energy consumption and operating costs.

Traditionally, saunas relied on wood-fired heating beneath a pile of rocks, but modern versions predominantly use electricity for its affordability and safety. Residential saunas typically come in two types: traditional and infrared. 

While infrared saunas generally consume less electricity, the overall operating cost depends on factors such as sauna type, wattage, usage duration, size, and local electricity rates, which vary by state.

To estimate monthly energy expenses, multiply the sauna's wattage by the monthly usage hours and the electric company's cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

Across the United States, electricity prices for consumers vary from 9 to 34 cents per kWh, averaging around $0.12 per kW. 

Furthermore, some modern sauna models offer programmable timers and energy-saving modes to optimize efficiency and minimize operating costs.

You can mitigate the expense of running a home sauna by leveraging these features and adopting energy-conscious practices, such as preheating the sauna only when needed and avoiding excessive temperature settings.

Overall, while there are costs associated with running a home sauna, they can be managed and minimized by carefully considering factors like energy efficiency, usage patterns, and technological features.

What's the best type of home sauna?

Determining the best type of home sauna depends on your personal preferences, health goals, and available space.

The two main home saunas are traditional steam and infrared, offering unique benefits and experiences.

Traditional steam saunas, often made of wood and heated by pouring water over hot rocks, provide high humidity and intense heat, promoting sweating and detoxification.

They are favored by those who enjoy the traditional sauna experience and the ritual of pouring water over the rocks to create steam.

On the other hand, infrared saunas use infrared heaters to heat the body without significantly warming the surrounding air.

This results in lower ambient temperatures than traditional saunas, making them more comfortable for some individuals, especially those sensitive to extreme heat.

Infrared saunas are also praised for their deep tissue penetration, potentially offering additional health benefits such as improved circulation and pain relief.

Ultimately, the best type of home sauna is the one that aligns with your preferences, health needs, and available space.

When deciding, consider factors such as heat preference, humidity levels, space requirements, and budget.

Certainly, trying out different types of saunas, either at a spa or a friend's home, is very helpful in determining which one you enjoy the most before making a purchase.

Do indoor saunas need to be vented?

Yes, indoor saunas typically require proper ventilation to ensure safety and comfort during use.

Ventilation helps remove excess moisture, heat, and airborne contaminants from the sauna, creating a more pleasant and healthy environment for occupants.

Inadequate ventilation can lead to several issues, including excessive humidity, stagnant air, and the buildup of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide.

Proper ventilation helps prevent these problems by allowing fresh air to circulate into the sauna while expelling stale air and moisture.

Several options exist for ventilating indoor saunas, including passive and active ventilation systems.

Passive ventilation relies on natural airflow through vents or openings in the sauna walls or ceiling.

In contrast, active ventilation systems use fans or exhaust systems to actively remove air from the sauna space.

The specific ventilation requirements for your indoor sauna depend on factors such as its size, heating technology, and local building codes.

It's essential to consult with a qualified sauna installer or HVAC professional to determine the most appropriate ventilation solution for your sauna setup.

In summary, proper ventilation is essential for indoor saunas to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for users.

By ensuring adequate airflow and moisture control, you can enjoy your sauna experience while minimizing the risk of health and safety issues.

Questions You May Have

1. Does the sauna burn fat?

Saunas can help facilitate temporary weight loss through sweating, but they do not directly burn fat.

2. Should I take a bath after the sauna?

Yes, it's generally recommended to shower or bathe after using a sauna to rinse off sweat and cool down the body.

3. Does sauna damage hair?

Sauna heat can potentially damage hair if not properly protected, especially with prolonged exposure.

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